Sunday 21 February 2021

I haven't written on my blog for sometime, but have decided to share a daily post once again. My styles have change a little but I'm still inspired by nature, the wild scenery around where I live and the welcome spring flowers, now emerging after a long chilly winter. 

I hope you all enjoy sharing my posts each day. I'm hoping to show you both my current work and recent firings and also some pieces that I can tell you the story about why I painted them and some of my techniques. 

Today, I'm working on some small pieces, the subject being Hengistbury head and the colourful beach huts along the coast of Dorset. I know for a lot of us at the moment, getting back down to the coast for a sunny walk with the breeze in our hair is something that we look forward to a great deal. I've enjoyed some amazing walks recently in the forest, and although it's been very wet or frozen underfoot it's been incredibly peaceful and the winter colours of the bracken, rusty heather and beautiful tree barks are wonderfully inspiring. 

I was able to get down to my house in Southern France for a few weeks in the autumn and hope to return again sometime this year. The mountains and flora their are wonderful, as is the light. 

So here are a few photo's of my most recent work and hopefully each day, I can share something about my work as a ceramics artist with you all. Thank you for joining me.  

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