Thursday 3 August 2017

A very warm summer's evening in Mons.

The weather has been hot, with the deepest of blue skies this month. I'm really surprised that the wild flowers and butterflies survive in this heat. It is glorious though. I've been painting in the cooler evening out on the terrace and have just finished two small pasta dishes with a scene from beautiful Olagues, the next village along the valley from us in Mons and a scene from the lavender fields of the south of France.

Today I took my breakfast out and walked along the beautiful Jaur from the priory St Julien to the lovely old medieval village of Olargues. The local market was just setting up in Mons as we went through. There is a lovely German gentleman who produces jams and flours from his chestnut trees on the slopes of the Espinouse just above Olagues, a cheese seller with every local cheese under the sun and a fruit grower among other stalls. It's only small but along with the delicious smell from the baker and the buzz of the auberge, Mons La Trivalle was hotting up for a busy day.

We often enjoy meeting up with friends from all over the region. Yesterday we visited some dear friends and I present him with one of my bowls and he gave me some of his wonderful curry pastes. It's always lovely to see someone's delight when they receive a gift that they obviously really like. 

The donkey's decided it was too hot for them in their small field last night and escaped to wander in the village and enjoy the delights of freedom. 

People come from far and wide to walk up the beautiful gorge d'heric and climb the footpaths up the Caroux.

I've been making fig jam today. It's bubbling away nicely in the kitchen of our little stone sheepfold.

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