Thursday 27 July 2017

Unfired new pieces of mine.

I've just come in from painting in the garden this evening. A magical sunset, the breeze was moving the clouds across the mountains and the bats had just come out as the swallows disappeared for the night. Beautiful out there.

These are the latest pieces that I've been working on. I haven't finished painting them or firing them as they take me many hours to complete. One has a Dorset theme and the other two Languedoc. I'm quite excited to see how they will look when they have been fired.

Painting on the terrace in the twilight

I thought you would all like to see where I like to paint, outside on my terrace with nature all around me.

I've been busy working on quite a few pieces recently and will look forward to firing them. i always enjoy this part as the colours magically change and come alive with such brilliance. I've been out in Southern France for the past few weeks and so most of the designs are of the mountains, flowers, houses, butterflies and summer crops of sunflowers and barley here.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

My new Facebook selling page.

I've finally finished making my selling page and it's been lovely to receive requests for purchasing my work.

It's been difficult to decide on a price for items as I spend many hours painting and firing them. The bowls take about 4 to 7 hours of painting whereas the smaller items a couple of hours. Before firing I carefull glaze them and then the are in the kiln for just under 20 hours.

Just as a guide
The little bud vases will be £8
The tiny jugs £8
Small jugs £9
Larger, half litre jugs £15
Tiny bowls £8
Small bowls £10
Larger bowls £15

Vases are various prices starting from £10, please PM me if you are interested
I also make Jam pots with lids, Kitchen utensils containers, storage jars. pasta plates(large and small), plates (large and small) and individual christmas decorations.

Saturday 15 July 2017

Summer painting in the Languedoc.

It's very hot here in Mons at the moment but the mountains are cooler and after a day of walking I enjoy painting on a cool terrace once again. I'm working on some small bowls at the moment with poppies, sunflowers, wild flowers and lavender fields. They each have a summer theme of local butterflies, golden harvests, sunsets, blue hazy mountains and medieval buildings. Can't wait to see the when they are fired.